Monday, August 31, 2009

Arty Choke.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, I think it was Magritte who used to sit with the Artichokes for a time each day. This makes sense to me, not only is the presence of vegetation important for drawing lines, but witnessing natures work ethic helps awaken it in ourselves. These are from my allotment, I call them chaos beans. And these are purple carrots, I think the Dutch turned them orange. I don't really like Granny Smiths. Seasonal food is sustenance, it turns the TV off!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Finally replaced the stolen vehicle. Some things have a history, it makes it better. Scooters look right in London I think, Like Golden Eagles in Mull, or Scousers in TK Max. That's where I got my shirt, but not my genes. I found this photo of my dad, spot the difference.