Saturday, March 20, 2010

Fashion Shoot.

NY Fashion shoot by, I like to do backdrops, its nice to do artistic work for a specifc purpose, giving imagination boundaries can bring a different creativity to the surface.

Sharp Shinned Hawk

This Hawk watched me whilst I made a bird cast in Pennsylvania. I am English so a hawk still has a certain awe. There is something that happens in time being around some creatures, the world they inhabit is something lost in our minds that we were once a part of.

'I sit in the top of the wood, my eyes closed. Inaction, no falsifying dream
Between my hooked head and hooked feet,
Or in sleep rehearse perfect kills and eat.' Ted Hughes

Snow shadows

You have to remember to look up when walking. Sometimes we star at our feet in life. Aren't these snow shadows beautiful.

Dear Dairy

I'm lucky enough to have outdoor friends. You see things that your brain does not expect on walks. Weird is normal now, like films and tatoos, like our dreams. Ordinary dreams are harder to decipher, unusual combinations of the ordinary in life make pictures in our memory. What were those cheap ice lolly's called? Milkies? I used to get a 99er! or possibly the big feast.

The king and I

Darts is great. (at the Lakeside) It's like a kids Christmas party for drunks! This is Kong. He's going to be big. Well he's already big. but he's going to do well I mean.